Flower Enhancement
Experience That Shows
Many of our awards are due in part to our flower beds. Flower planting is the icing on the cake. From annuals to perennials, it's the color, fragrances, and arrangement, that creates that personal touch on a commercial property. JH Plantscapes offers flower planting as a rotational, seasonal service. Our experts will recommend the best flowers for each season and arrange them to make your landscape beds pop with color.
Tree Care
We Offer Full Service For Your Tree Needs
Inspections to Determine Overall Tree Condition
Cable & Bracing
Tree Removal
Stump Grinding
Deep Root Feeding
Tree Injection for Insect, Disease, and Nutrient Deficiencies
Pre-Construction Services
Pruning Services for Tree Needs
Removal of Underbrush and Small Trees While Doing Minimal Damage to Soil and Root
Hurricane Damage Prevention and Clean Up
Porter Service
Professional Service
Property owners and managers desire to keep their shopping centers clean and aesthetically pleasing. We know that you depend on a pristine and well maintained shopping strip to welcome your customers. We offer:
Watering and Maintaining Potted Plants/Flowers
Remove Trash from Property Grounds
Clean Out Trash Receptacles Daily
JH Plantscapes is here to partner with our established clients to assure that your properties are always well maintained. Our goal is to streamline your needs into one service.